
Pope Francis Pride “testimonial”: in Pompei the new poster masterpiece of Tvboy

 April 7th, 2018

UPDATE 4/7/2018 11:30 AM – Pope Francis “testimonial” at Pompei Pride: already removed the work of the streetarter TvBoy appeared this night


The new poster masterpiece of Tvboy has appeared on the walls of Pompei. The street artist recently taken to the headlines for the “kiss” between Salvini and Di Maio (appeared and suddenly removed on the walls of Rome) with which the artist wanted to ironically prefigure the possible implications of the national political scenario.

The protagonist of the new TvBoy poster – the street artist known and appreciated internationally – is Pope Francis: with his typical smiling and good-natured face, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is depicted holding a sign with a rainbow heart, symbol of Lgbtqi rights, and the inscription Love wins. Stop homophobia.
The poster has been placed a stone’s throw from the Municipality of Pompeii in Piazza Bartolo Longo, in the streets that will see the Pompeii Pride parade on June 30th.

A clear answer to who, since the Pride has been convened, tries to stop the realization of the event in the Vesuvian city: art, culture and beauty against the obscorantism of those who are hostile to the recognition of the inviolable rights of people.

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